Gender equality and women empowerment is a key component for the success of reconciliation. Musalaha is committed to working against the norms of most Middle Eastern cultures that do not encourage the participation of women in the political, socio-economic arenas.
Musalaha believes that by placing women in leadership roles and increasing their involvement in decision-making processes, we can create a more representative, gender inclusive, and fair environment. Moreover, the participation of women in peacebuilding increases the probability of both a positive process and final impact within their communities.
Musalaha runs two different projects amongst women: a cross-border Israeli-Palestinian program and a Palestinian Muslim-Christian program. During these 6- to 12-month programs, we conduct a series of workshops based on Musalaha’s Curriculum of Reconciliation.
Our Israeli-Palestinian group begins their reconciliation journey with a 5-day desert encounter, which is oftentimes the first experience either side has in meeting and engaging with their neighbor. Our Muslim-Christian groups tend to focus more on local tensions and together take practical steps to create change in their shared community.
Once the workshops are complete, the participants work together towards a joint outreach initiative that engages both their respective local communities and the greater society at large